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Irrigation Controller

There's no reason to rush home from work or leave the comfort of your home to change your scheduled irrigation timing or disable the irrigation because of that rain. Just login on in and get it done online!

Internet Based Irrigation

Infranet Systems field units communicate via the internet to a central web server using an Ethernet broadband connection via the supplied RJ-45 connect. For remote sites Infranet Systems offer a range of peripherals to connect the controller to the internet.

All Irrigation programming is done online via a standard web browser. Once configured the Field units are update within seconds. Irrigation stations can be turned on and off manually in real time using most PDA's eliminating the need for dedicated wireless remote controls.

Control up to 36 Stations depending on the controller configuration. The system can be expanded, using control modules or network field units together using the latest point to point wireless communication or Ethernet over power technology. All stations can be configured to run multiple times on any one day. Station control can also be set to use water volume rather than time further adding to water savings.

Moisture Probe Technology

Infranet Systems offer a range of Moisture probes which can be installed throughout different watering stations. The controllers can use the moisture probes to determine the exact amount of water required. In instances where zones are identical, one moisture probe can be used to determine the water times on the remaining stations saving money on hardware. Controllers can also measure conductivity, oxygen, pH, turbidity and temperature.

Electronic Water Metering

Using various types of meters, water usage can be calculated. When meters are connected the system can be configured to such down watering stations on excess usage and send alerts via email and SMS text messaging.

Water System Management

Water tanks, pumps and filtration can all be connected to the Infranet Systems Controller building an entire water system network fully configurable and controlled via the internet.

Data Management

Using the central web server a multitude of real time data can be tracked and analyzed. This has allowed our clients to but a dollar value on every litre of water saving money. Since there is no dedicated computer required onsite software updates are not required. The client knows that there system is fully optimised 24/7. The data on the web server can be used to generate various reports including notifications via email and SMS text messaging.

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